【同义词辨析】 2017-09-08 期望expect-await

expect: implies a high degree of certainty and involves idea of preparing and envisioning: I ~ to be finished by Tuesday.

hope: implies LITTLE certainty but sug. confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen: she ~ to find a job soon.

look: followed by for, sug. expectancy and watchfulness rather than confidence or certainty: we ~ for great things in the new year; followed by TO, sug. strongly counting on and freedom from doubt: ~ to their children to care for them in old age.

await: adds to look for the implication of being ready: we ~ your decision.

expect预期: 确信并做准备,hope希望: 确信但认为有可能,look for表示期盼, look to表示指望不怀疑,await期待: 等待并做好准备

记忆方法: 1) 这组经常用,请读例句。

          2)期望的意思是预期某事mean to anticipate in the mind some occurrence or outcome.